Thursday, December 16, 2010

The most attractive life motto

 1. One day tell yourself, If no friends, just like life without sunlight
4. tomorrow's hope, let us forget today's pain
5. If stripped of the ideal life, dreams, fantasy, and that life will be just a bunch of basket case
6. LED patent is not the sun, you also may shine
7. fool the mind with physical surveillance, the wise man with the heart monitor physical
8. the only way to obtain happiness is to cherish what you have, and forget you have not
9. Greed is the real poverty, meet the most real wealth
10. you can get the whole world with love, you can also use hate to lose the world
11. people value, in face of the temptation to be determined
12. Young is the only thing we have the right to weave the dream time
13. youth, a classic never again immediately redeem
14. there is no language of love All the characters are boring
15. true love should surmount the length of life, mind the width, depth of soul
16. the power of love is big enough to make people forget everything, but small enough to envy of the sand can not hold
17. When a person is really the moment of consciousness, he gave up the pursuit of wealth of the outside world, while the inner world to pursue his real wealth
18. Where there is faith people will never defeat
19. regardless of when you start, it is important not to stop after the start
20. Whether you come to an end, it is important do not regret after the end of
21. If a man is his biggest weakness of the enemy
22. If a man is his best friend brave
23. efforts to prepare for the worst
25. home! sweet home! world is the best home
26. idle mind will make people rust
27. everything must be point of view it with manifold
28. ideals in place, hell is heaven
29. there is hope in the place, the pain may becomes happiness
30. all the victories, and conquered his own Compared to victory are negligible
31. all the failures, and loss of their failure compared to a negligible
32. God never complain about people's ignorance while people actually complains the unfair of God
33. The happy life should fill the anticipation, surprise and gratitude
34. the world the most exhausting thing, falsely
35. feel that they do to and do not do that, in fact, only one study between
36. The first youth is God given; second youth is on their own efforts
37. less anticipation, would people care would be more comfortable
38 . ideas, such as drill, drill down to focus on one thing only force
39. people do not lose their direction, they will not lose their
40. If you once eulogized the daybreak, then also ask you to embrace the darkness
41. regards should not be careful but it must be sincere and touching
42. without some cold biting, nothing fragrant plum
43. When you can fly, do not give up flying
44. When you can dream, do not give up the dream
45. When you can love, do not give up on love
46. Life is too short to give up today, tomorrow may not get
47 . Genius is one percent inspiration and ten per cent of the long-long efforts to
48. people always cherish, but have forgotten
49. Happy to know how to share, to double happy
50. their first highly of themselves, other people will think highly of you
51. One today is worth two tomorrow
52. keep in mind; every day is the best day of the year
53. optimist sees the opportunity in the disaster; pessimist sees the disaster in the opportunity
54. courage is not that fear does not exist, but dare to face the fear, to overcome fear
55. willing to admit mistakes is wrong has been changed by half
56. Tomorrow is the world's fastest piece of land value, because it is full of hope
57. the ideal way is always ready to have confidence in people with
58 . all the deception, self-deception is the most serious
59. biggest mistake in life is constantly worried about making mistake

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