Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Football was invented in the Song Dynasty in China, but also in the Sino-Japanese occupation of China during the war years will always beat ...

 Only the market, there is hope
of Chinese football: Plum Yang
football invented in the Song Dynasty in China, but also in the Sino-Japanese occupation of China during the war years will always beat the Japanese team.
No wonder millions of Chinese fans link soccer to their national sense of honor. But when your team just isn't very good, that linkage between nationalism and sport can mean tumult and even tragedy. Think back to May 19, 1985, when Hong Kong and China faced off in Beijing . Had China won, it might have gone on to the 1986 World Cup in Mexico. The team was heavily favored, and nearly 80,000 fans eagerly poured into the Workers' Stadium to watch the long-awaited triumph.
China, of course , lost.
This defeat was particularly humiliating: Proud, anti-imperialist China had lost to a team representing a British colony. Inside the stadium, angry fans lobbed glass bottles and smashed seats; outside, they torched buses, burned cars with plates from foreign embassies and damaged buildings. More than 2,000 police were dispatched, and at least 127 people were arrested. The Team China players had to be rescued from their supposed worshipers. And even after the players had safely returned to their residential compound, angry fans surrounded the building - shouting and singing, with tears in their eyes, the Internationale's call for the world's suffering masses to rise up. China's National Sports Commission called the riot a public apology for blowing it, and head coach Zeng Xuelin was forced to resign.
Think this couldn't happen again? Flash forward to 2004 and the Asia Cup championship match between Japan and China, also in Workers' Stadium. Chinese fans sang an old anti-Japanese song and yelled: countries rattled and spurred a debate about sports and nationalism.
Part of the reason for China's tragic passion for soccer is that we believe we invented it, along with many other great gifts to humanity. One man in the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279) is said to have played soccer so well that he was eventually appointed prime minister. In the 1920s and '30s, China routinely fielded one of Asia's best teams. Japan may have been able to bully China militarily in the 1930s, but China was busily routing it in soccer. One brilliant Chinese shooter, Li Huitang, was even called national women's team, our 1930s, why can't we do it now? And why are China's men less impressive on the field than its women?
I'm not persuaded by any of these explanations, but I'm intrigued by all of them. Our raw, unruly and wild feelings about our prowess at soccer, I think, have become something of a metaphor for the way we view our place at the world's table. Are we respected? Are we truly welcome? And above all: Are we a great power or just a middling one? As one Chinese Netizen posted, somewhat ungrammatically: ; Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895-2008. A semi-professional, semi-government-run system. This hybrid system there are profound internal contradictions, not only failed to focus on the advantages of two systems, but interfere with each other to create a variety of difficult problems.
this Chinese football has not the main reason for the development agenda.
recent developments for the Chinese football has created opportunities for institutional change. People should seize this opportunity to solve problems for many years the development of Chinese football institutional contradictions. In this process, of course, the Chinese football needs a comprehensive grasp of history and current situation, it is more important is the need to learn a lot by more than 20 years reform and opening up access to a market economy system reform knowledge. If you reject this knowledge, only in the soccer experience within and turn, it will be difficult to obtain a breakthrough in the development of ideas, institutional change is difficult to succeed. To get a breakthrough, to be out of football and, in the establishment and improvement of market economic point of view and analysis on institutional change football.
To accurately grasp the status of Chinese football, must lead the two core elements of the Chinese football market economy and the government-run sports mm have sufficient understanding. Here are the two dominant factors in the analysis.
market economy and professional Sports
called professional sports, or as commercial sports, in fact, through the market economy means to develop sports. That being the case, professional sports as they should obey the general rules of market economy.
then, the market economy What is the general rule?
different from the planned economy, market economy in investment and production arrangements are not in accordance with the higher command, but in accordance with market prices. they are on their own terms, as much as possible lucrative choice The areas of investment and production. In this case, if other conditions remain unchanged, a rise in the price of goods or services will attract more people to engage. Instead, prices fall, people will be left to other seek to develop the field.
Therefore, the price, not the superior's instructions, in a market economy plays a central role in the allocation of resources directly determines the state. consumer demand, through purchase of expression of the will, that is, willing to accept a certain level of prices, to inform producers. Producer prices are based on consumer demand for information, to arrange the production, provision of goods or services to consumers. The principle of the process is very simple, but it may run very complex. However, it is because of the complex, people can enjoy a wide variety of goods and services.
modern society, both large and complex division of labor, professional categories are many, and has already exceeded the so-called �����ʮ��. Even a simple commodity production, such as a pencil, but also hundreds of people around the world need to collaborate to complete. Of course, they are not producing a pencil, but a considerable scale.
So, how to organize This collaborative production? by a central management agency instructions? planned economy that the central administration who qualified for the organization's mission. But practice shows that the institution of any centralized management of complex organizations can not do this work. It is only it looks like a cold can take advantage of the price for such coordination and organization. It is noteworthy that, when the price to play a role in allocating resources, the market naturally in people's behavior for the pursuit of profit performance accordingly.
From ancient times, the market economy, a phenomenon that pursuit of profit, there are people who have been dissatisfied. they think this phenomenon is too vulgar, too impersonal, objective should be to replace the profits of the other objectives of this ruthless, such as career development, national prosperity, equality, beauty, art, knowledge, truth, and so on. The goal itself may be justified, but the problem is that all of these goals is not necessarily, or even necessarily desirable for most people. So, no matter what choice objectives, and if in pursuit of that goal as the guiding principle, then certainly we must suppress those who are not interested in this goal the desire, and this will help to force, it is necessary to replace with the official price of the instruction, which is used instead of the planned economy market economy. this experiment it has been done more than enough. repeat meaningless.
the benefits of profit is acceptable for everyone. profit is actually a neutral objective is to achieve other goals means. One may rely on their own profits earned in the market to pursue their own goals, so why should all do as a unity of purpose?
Therefore, the fundamental law of the market economy is to ask, or even force people to chase profits. All are called is the development of sport as a means of pursuing profit. In this regard, the sports industry and other industries there is no difference.
to professional football, for example, league organizers to work, is to attract more viewers buying, selling more souvenirs selling price higher TV rights, etc., etc., a thousand dollars is to earn more money. investors to establish equity club, but also to operate the club through profit. The coaches and players, the natural but also to get the highest possible wages. All this is not a understand or who do not accept the market economy.
sport was originally a means of exercise. As the people the nature of the game, slowly developing a variety of sports, people engaged in these projects not only tempered the exercise body will feel fun and excitement. Later, the wise men found that certain sports, like football, not only in people who are interesting, bystanders will get some satisfaction, some people are even willing to look on the opportunity to get pay. So, smart people who specifically for sports organizations to attract onlookers. game more exciting, the more attractive people, the more the income of the organizers. Later, income gradually stabilized, there have been special The race organizers and specialized athletes, who are called managers of professional sports and professional athletes. and they are engaged in the work, known as professional sports.
the only way to understand professional sports, people can understand the career the history of sports development. The European system of professional football in many countries produced in the latter half of the 19th century. was not any major international events, the purpose of professional football can only be established in order to chase profits. convinced many Chinese people's ; domestic training, and united, claimed to be semi-official semi-private, but people know it is a no doubt the official administration. their work logic and other administrative bodies is not any difference.
executive and profits in the market by the existence enterprises compared to the logic of work is fundamentally different. the difference is to evaluate the performance of the most important mechanism. any institution the staff, their work effort and correctness, we need an assessment mechanism to measure. Enterprise Assessment mechanism from the market prices as the core. while living in the market other than the administration how to do? can not be measured by the price of their work, need other alternative measure.
advantage of price signals, which measure the perfect, the most timely and fully reflect the true wishes of consumers. consumers of goods or services have never been based only on the level of individual indicators. For example, consumers who buy color TV sets, not the screen the better , nor is it the more clear the better the image, nor is the price the lower the better, nor is it easy to buy the more the better, consumers according to their economic capacity, after considering several indicators to make their own choices. As for the consumer in the end What factors to consider, consider to what extent there is any demand for commodities, vary, very difficult to be summarized. but the market is so tedious to producers and consumers do not have their own specific requirements were introduced, consumers can put all requirements ; the conditions cease to exist. But the measure of work is still needed, then, they can only second best, which is proposed by the ruling administration to a single index, as measured by the standard. diligent person may made several more indicators, the indicators proposed more, not as Therefore, in reality, are often indicators of administrative bodies both simple and crude. comic irony that the rodent results collected from the rat tail to measure. In fact, administrative bodies and the reality of the actual implementation of the absurdity of the measure, compared That is not the most ridiculous.
although not satisfactory alternative indicators, however, some government departments to provide public services, such as defense and foreign affairs, the market can not provide, then, bear in this area insufficient to maintain the existence of these government departments, but also is an acceptable choice.
Football Association is also part of the executive agencies, they also face the problem of the lack of measurable indicators, the same type of index to find a replacement. The indicators on the one hand the cost to run not too high, but also the supervisors and the public can basically accept, believe that the indicators can effectively measure the results of their work.
Football Association found the target, and spent a lot of years, this indicator is Guo Zihao team international games, especially the results of major international competitions.
said before, any alternative indicators such as price signals are not comprehensive, accurate, then the football field this proxy how? so that you?
This indicator is also not comprehensive, and accurate. Guo Zihao international league team and do not represent the level of development of Chinese football. This is a very one-sided targets.
To compensate for this deficiency, there are people who have added a new indicator called such as youth training efforts, the club management level, etc., but these indicators tend to be more difficult to quantify, difficult to monitor, the association can easily perfunctory in the past, such as urging the club false accounting. Therefore, in practice for most of the Football Association important is the achievement of this target Guo Zihao team.
result, the Chinese Football Association's work lies in the core and center of gravity to maximize Guo Zihao team from the competition results. even though they completed the work in this area is very bad, but worse that in order to achieve the purpose of the pursuit of achievements, they even resort to sabotage the expense of the development of football in China. To the World Cup, Olympic Games and any interruption this league is a typical example.
A. A history, due to dissatisfaction with the management of football clubs and the Football Association have conflict between the multiple, sometimes contradictory but also very intense. league will therefore be a major negative impact. but as long as the same period the national team can still score, the association's position is unshakable . Only the national team failed, football will face a real crisis.
seen the work of the Chinese Football Association's logic is: to promote their work outside goal is to develop football in China, but in fact to improve the team's international Guo Zihao Competition of the work as a real goal.

Chinese football on the basic contradictions of government-run professional sports and sports organizations were analyzed after the beginning of this article referred to the existing system of Chinese football will leak out the profound internal contradictions surface of the water.
in the existing system, the investment professional league clubs are all affiliated companies. They invest in the league, and have been investing in other areas, in terms of profits as the goal. But is the league's management but why not in the hands of investors, and this administration in the hands of the Chinese Football Association. Football is not the work targets a profit, they do not care about the league is able to create more wealth, nor do they care if able to get enough investors to return They only care about the team's race results Guo Zihao whether it has been improved. Football League as a fact to help them improve performance, further on in the career tool. investors doing? investors are forced to spend money for the Football Association the pursuit of their goals.
This is the basic contradiction in the Chinese football.
the Football Association, the national team since the league for the service, therefore, on the one hand, as long as the results sufficient to meet the national team boss, Football Association to consider objectives have been completed to improve the management level of the league mm that is not a simple matter mm but to muddle along, the result, leading to endless Unfair; other hand, to national team, Football Association league as even at the destruction costs, such as the League any interruption to limit the introduction of foreign players, the players somehow developed trading rules, forcing a fitness test and so on. These two actions are damaging the interests of the investors make their investment returns should be difficult to obtain.
initial stage in the professional league, investors are driven by the passion of love of football, hopes to profit in the future, this contradiction is not so sharp. In addition, advertising effects, and local government relations, investor's state-owned enterprises status, and so forth makes investor return requirements are not so strong, but as time goes on, business has increasingly become a dominant factor, then, investors did not return for more and more intolerable situation, the more their investments and more intolerable by others to use free of charge. can not stop the intensification of contradictions.
fact, the intensification of conflict that a positive fact: the Chinese system, those in football, less and less return on investment requires more and more legitimate. This is actually beginning to play a role in the market, begin to correct the existing irrational state. Clearly, any investment in a commercial area who will not tolerate similar behavior. Some people invest in a business, would have to be used to make money, suddenly free of a tyrannical government officials to win business management, in order to achieve his one purpose, wantonly squandering corporate resources, while also requires investors to continued funding. This, and the naked robbery is not essentially different. in the whole society to a market economy and rule of law today, it is particularly harsh. no reason to tolerate such a situation to arise. This basic conflict must be resolved as soon as possible. football though of broad interest, but that does not sacrifice fundamental to football just and right. Europe's want to eliminate this basic contradiction, there are two options.
First, following the General Administration of Sports of certain senior officials of the views of the Chinese Football Association football management in maintaining a monopoly at the same time, completely give up professional league, professional resume system. In this case, the association was to continue to pursue their own goals mm to improve the team's game results Guo Zihao mm opportunities, while having to rely on other investors. Of course, when the General Administration of Sports will be responsible for paying for the Football Association, Football Association is to raise enough money.
may be made outstanding achievements in the Olympic Games General Administration of Sport of senior officials to form a perception that giving up her career structure, professional system recovery in the past can still achieve good competition results mm in order to score achievements in this regard, General Administration of Sports and the Football Association has a high degree of agreement mm error of this understanding is obvious. hold on this understanding, only that senior officials of General Administration of Sport of extreme ideas behind times, and even keep up with the reform system began in 1992 when the football.
results for the Olympic Games, you can find a law: China win the item, usually a professional system, individual system against other countries. As professional institutional investment more resources, of course, the larger the odds. But once the situation became a professional career structure system against other countries, the market economy in an unparalleled advantage in mobilizing resources to make China almost no chance of winning. In addition to volleyball this outside the traditional advantages of the project, China's almost complete failure of a large ball projects, this is not accidental. large ball projects are usually large commercial potential, suitable for carrying out professional sports.
now, even in the semi-professional system, the national annual total amount of funds invested hundreds of millions of football. abolished the professional system, all commercial advertising, sponsorship, direct investment will disappear, while those who work hard to earn money for playing outstanding athletes and coaches will naturally find the other party. how to attract them to stay to continue in football? more importantly, how to enable parents to continue to the next football players were sent to training, rather than play basketball, training hurdle? Sports Administration under a contract for their own heavy burden, their courage can be described as impressive. but football is the world's most fully professional sports. Sport General Administration wants to rely on professionals in the field against his country's system of vocational institutions, is tantamount to holding a sword spear to combat aircraft and tanks, the results do not ask we can see.
Second, the Chinese Football Association to give up a monopoly on football management, from investors to establish their own professional league system. this system can be combined from several parties, can also be played by one party leading role. to the wide area of China, a large market in different regions and different levels, so the league can even have more than one system. then the United States, there are three professional basketball league, through market competition, the ultimate NBA domination. As long as there is competition in the market, what Unfair, high wages, the players do not work, reasonable fares, can be resolved. professional league was sold to the audience called football merchandise. all the drawbacks can be summarized as such goods are not suited to market needs. As long as the normal market conditions, the output of goods sold is not a problem. For those who demand the production of goods not suitable for people who will get what in the end, not to mention the strike.
Football the development needs of emancipating the mind
semi-professional, semi-government-run of the hybrid system not only created a lot of Chinese soccer real thorny issues, but also people's minds formed a considerable ideological confusion. even if the current progress in institutional change football, the future of China Football development will require further emancipate the mind, get rid of the shackles of all kinds to fully open up space for the development.
first question is clear: in the end what is the real development of Chinese football?
Football Association tried to Guo Zihao get good grades as a team to answer, we must admit that the answer really is a lot of people agree. these people claim: The role of the league should be to train forces for the national team. However, this idea is and the world of football development of direct contradiction.
generally believed that the five major European football leagues represent the state of the development of more adequate. five league so, on Italy, Britain, the West's most successful league. but the results of three national team recent years has been unsatisfactory, and their league is not commensurate with the level of development. But does that mean anything? that their league is not successful it? French team have done quite well in recent years, but they almost all national team players of a team in the other effectiveness of the national league. Although, from experience point of view, with a high level league teams will definitely be one of the country, but in fact, outstanding achievements in international competitions in the country, often are not those with the highest level league of countries, such as Czech Republic, the Netherlands, South America, Brazil, Argentina. Although the level of these countries the national team dominated the world, but its development league is hardly a compliment. can be seen between the level of league and national team what is in fact no direct contact not have a good team league will surely become the world's top teams. I even thought, in particular the success of the league will make the players over a very intense fatigue, but not conducive to the national team results. Think of the 2002 World Cup of France.
from another angle, if the role of the league is to serve the national team, then just five league can be considered extreme failure. in major international competitions, often have such phenomenon, a country's national team defeated their opponents out of the league culture. There are numerous examples in this regard. This is not a traitor Qiurong it? Imagine, if a player in South Korea or Japan, China, leagues, through the Competition has improved continuously, was important in a first World Cup game, the opponent is relying on the key performance of the player beat the Chinese team. At that time, domestic public opinion will make a comment? is unfortunate that the club would be condemned , and then called for the introduction of football to enhance the management of foreign aid ...

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