Thursday, February 24, 2011


 The satellite industry, agriculture and food processing industries are well developed.
Czech Republic, including the history of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia regions. AD 895, the tribes from Bohemia Moravia separated from the Empire, was established as the center of Bohemia to the Czech National; the 10th century, developed into independent Czech principality in the 12th century was renamed the Kingdom of .1620 in the Czech Republic, the Czech Republic in the territory for the Habsburg dynasty, in 1867 and .1918 was ruled Austria-Hungary in October, the Czech Republic and Slovakia merged to form the end of 1992 and the Republic of Czechoslovakia, the Czech and Slovak Federal disintegration, the Czech Republic and Slovakia as two sovereign countries Back in 1993, January 1, Czech Republic independence. The Czech Republic follows the former Federal Republic of blue, white and red tricolor flag, the flag surface, by the flagpole while the blue triangle, a white flag in the upper right, lower right red. blue, white and red color is the Pan-Slavic colors. the ancient Kingdom of Bohemia was the home of the Czech people, who inherited the symbol of the Czech Republic Bohemian red and white, and blue represents Moravia .
Czech Republic National Emblem is an old coat of arms, the center pattern is divided into four parts: the upper left and lower right corner of the pattern on the same floor a white-tailed red lion vomit gold tongue protrusion claw, majestic, this is the Czech public and the country's emblem; bottom left of the yellow plumage and golden crowns on the ground a head, chest crescent-shaped emblem of the black eagle, stretch wings, on behalf of Moravia, the upper right is a blue ground with Blackhawks shape similar to the eagle, eagle who was red, and white box-like pattern, representing Silesia. While this coat of arms image reveals the origin of the Czech history.
These are the geographical administrative profiles on the Czech Republic. Czech Republic not a strong country. whether its population size, territory size and economies of scale, that is, the scale of the three elements of the civilization of view, the Czech Republic this small country in Eastern Europe can be counted on to carry forward the truth of the I few people Comment: proposed three critical conclusions:
First, the survival of civilization is not insurance. to create civilized nation also might perish.
Second, survival is not the foundation of military derring-do. CD also Bo Wu Xing Yan national, and Dying Yan suddenly.
Third, population, size of the capital amount not to exist. to the people all of the nation wide once they still can fall of, such as building Lala suddenly dump.
Central Crimea was originally an ancient place names, Czech Republic in this area. Bohemians living together, the pursuit of freedom, unfettered, love art, some European intellectuals and artists often people the common feelings of intellectuals. They advocate creativity, imagination and soul, like a novelty, like the unconventional. In fact, the romantic spirit of the Bohemian trend of the embodiment of its followers have established a very different life in the bourgeois world . Perhaps the world economic conditions are always a disadvantage, but in the hearts and imagination of two levels not fall behind. As someone said, do better than to do the solemn tramp off bugs. Therefore, Mia life local, poets and painters have also than the bankers and CEOs of high status. Flaubert was a representative figure in the finish, sensitive people shocked. bourgeois triumph sing; and 60's, Even in the bourgeois and br> checked into the den of bourgeois,
into the Bohemian culture sensibility,
also softened the attitude of
Bohemian Brooks that descent Wasi Pu (WASP, Anglo - Saxon white Puritans) during the years leading into the university .60 affluent life, so the radical bohemian rejection of materialism molecules; bourgeois who attach importance to courtesy, student leaders to be rude; their pious bourgeois, the students pretending to be dissipated.
However, the information era direct the education and hung off the hook. can only make big money, but also to retain the attitude of the rebel social customs. In today's knowledge and creativity are at least of natural resources and financial capital has the same economic value of time, money, information, invisible material world and the world as one, intellectual capital Shemya creative world, the other foot then step on the market in the world of the bourgeois.
intense debate in the cultural sector 60's social rebellion, contempt for the elite 80's hippie culture and greed, mercenary Yapi culture, which one is better, the U.S. elites have the attitude of these two cultures and lifestyles have a choice to accept down and self-proclaimed The result is things, on the sexual, moral and other issues are open to the attitude of tolerance, integration of the bourgeois bohemian self-control and liberation. On the consumption side, they abandon the decent, the luxury goods this past values, respect for nature, back to nature. despised all over the new elite class elite class to compliment the old terms, such as: delicate, elegant, decent, dignified, rich, luxurious, elegant, gorgeous, and honor, majesty, etc., on the contrary, another group demonstrated different temperaments and preferences and spiritual terms, such as: real natural, warm, simple, honest, organic, comfort, hand, emotional and sincere and so on. It can be said, cultural sensitivity, but also softened the attitude of the Bohemians.
talking like a hippie, do things like yuppie,
denounced materialism, but enjoy a variety of luxury
However, their so-called The money spent on luxury goods, there are educated people will only make large sums of money on necessities. For example, spend several hundred dollars to buy top-level climbing shoe is acceptable, but spend the same amount of money to buy formal clothes with top brand shoes is vulgar.
Second, spend a lot of money in any In addition to hands-only occasionally in the garden except weeds, but to go to the store to buy expensive professional garden hoe. Third, the implementation of a perfectionist in the details, including the door handles of the thoughtful design. Fourth, the original texture is most important. They like to the original texture, that is, on the They will be built on the simple things in a more sophisticated taste, used to spend a lot of money to buy very cheap items, such as spending money on high-end agricultural products. seven, like the store is an optional product beyond its request that , and do not care about price and other mundane affairs. For them, the discount is not attractive. From the above seven, we can see that the so-called Some of the ; cultures, and Bohemian Bourgeois culture to reconcile these two very different one, during which inevitably make many compromises, especially in relation to religious, moral, spiritual dimensions of these issues. Some people think that this mud artificially divide. so-called Like Bourgeois, some places like a bohemian; some Some representatives, such as Bill Gates, Al Gore, George W. Bush, etc, you would think that they both do not, they just their own, they were all mixed with an 20th century rebellious 60s and 80s nature of accomplishment, they are created out of this new era a new class, a new group. They rich with success, because of the high qualifications of sharp thinking, his soul in order to avoid being swallowed up and lose a little bit of both rich themselves, so strongly maintenance of the corner of the last piece of soul freedom. Maybe someone is not to flaunt their wealth or poverty of the rich idiots, so they look like in a show that some behavior, show to watch herself, but also show to the world, and their hearts conflicts that only they know.
???? Now, from the United States, Country of Origin United States history, and therefore metaphysical content removed, leaving only the surface in the form mm lifestyle, but somewhat out of shape. Beijing real estate companies even as activities can not all home buyers, Bobos naturally have the economic ability of white-collar workers alike. However, all the world, different people. Here, want to apply a word, like fashion shoes do not fit together only you know. people should find their own way of life, and not calculated to appeal to the popular way of life. Otherwise, they simply blind pursuit of lifestyle trends, one will not make himself comfortable, the second will not even know that he is no one, and a downright show, that there What are the joys of life to speak of it?
bohemian bohemian
such as proper nouns, do not know who invented it appears that some people always need to divide some of the unique title However, these terms are always the fashion maverick popular terms. Bohemia, cultural scholars of his hippie and yuppie is defined as a hybrid species, in recent years, various fashion magazines, the international fashion show are able to see it on the figure, although now it has reduced the heat. What is Bohemian? Bohemia (Bohemia) in the western region of Czechoslovakia, formerly part of Austria-Hungary, was walking in the world Roma gather. on the Bohemian people have a vague definition: the Bohemian is the gypsy Roma people, including also the decadent intellectuals. to wander the world to walk the way, do not believe in God, through the homeless people's skills to make a living, good at behavior is characterized by hand against industrial production. In today's style, hand-decorated with bright fabrics and thick rough the introduction of the eye, especially in jewelry, and more to wound beads, tassel necklace based.'s makeup is replaced with the Baroque and Byzantine gorgeous, and stress wan beautiful, sadly romantic and trendy face of poverty.
bohemian eclectic features apparel. Boheme Walk the World, clothing combines the features of multi-ethnic multi-region: Russia, the layers of waves more kilt, India's beaded and sequined, fringed and beaded leather Morocco hh all the rich colors and decorative means up to become a finely handcrafted in the uninhibited and wandering in uniform. bohemian major feature is the tassel, the visual impact of graffiti to bring people and mysterious atmosphere, this is called can simply use the tassels lace knot, cotton, linen folds to arm the way they dress, which advocates freedom of individuality, the principles as the principle of no way. the one stone a wood bead a cloth composed of a fashion, is the essence of Bohemia.
fashion arena, bohemian character of the table are: layer upon layer of lace, bare shoulders loose collarless shirt printing large flowers, handmade lace and string knot, leather tassels, and confused The bead decoration, there are waves recklessly; the use of color is to use hit-color to be effective, such as sapphire blue and gold brown, gray and pink in the hh disproportionate; cut with Gothic-style complex, focusing on the neckline and waist design. not only in the T station, bohemian style in recent years by the public is generally accepted, such as the girls waist belt fringed long, hollow body or knitted fabric hand-painted chiffon, strapless blouses and layers Layer upon layer of folds hh
bohemian skirts and BOBO at least close, have stressed the artistic qualities of people, treason and freedom. But the origin of the nomadic nature, Roma's bold, decadent culture that contains moderate and a certain uninhibited style of content, that is free of stray wild as the main color, but also in the details taken the trouble to practice excellence.
another solution: Bohemia, the western region is now the Czech Republic. Czech Republic is a landlocked country in central Europe, east Slovakia, Austria, south, north of Poland, Germany, adjacent to the west, from the Czech Republic, Moravia and Silesia three parts. Land is divided into two geographical areas, one is located in the western part of Bohemia Mia Heights, the other is located in the eastern half of the Carpathian mountains.
in history, the Slavs in Europe [mainly Eastern Europe] after the disintegration of primitive society, all its branches established in different countries . East Slavs Kievan Rus was established and later developed into the Russian State. Yugoslavs into the Balkans, the establishment of Bulgaria, Serbia. West Slavs established the Czech Republic and Poland, the two kingdoms. This is probably the previous century AD 8,9 things. West Musharraf who took hundreds of years gradually into a class society, the formation of the State, but twists and turns, the state finally fell apart, separate from its north is the Czech Republic, and is the central Bohemia region , and its capital Prague, it is probably around the 10th century thing. so it can be said that the Czech Republic's old name is a Bohemian. Czech national history of struggle for independence is also very difficult, so the history of the national struggle to make art soil, Dvorak and Smetana's most famous musicians of the Czech, Dvorak's motherland and so on. You see, there is no family hh
bohemian way, the Czech name abbreviation cz. If not for this, I would direct writes: Bohemian is the French term for a Gypsy . In addition to check-French dictionary to confirm this, you can be found in Xi Miya the name of Esmeralda part of the Roma began to emigrate. According to linguistic research, at least through the Persian Gypsies, Armenia and Greece and other places. a more detailed study that,
migration routes to the outside there are two: one is from India, the Persian, Turkish entry into the European; they first arrive Greece, and then diverted Romania, Hungary, Bohemia, Germany; to Germany, the number of people to Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, some people go to the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy. The other one is from India to Persia, then to Armenia, but also by Russia to Europe, wandering extensively in Europe. (br> as everyone believed it, that the Roma living in song and dance and divination, all the way to spread the Indian culture, while also continuing to draw on the national characteristics of the art, and ultimately produced in Spain, attracted worldwide attention in the Fula Ming Ge dance, which is basically all the credit from the Gypsies. They displaced, of no fixed abode, camped, in short, all the hard work you can think of the word can be placed on them, but they seem inherently art embodiment of their lives to contain them in the arts, if such achievements as if from their pursuit down a little more deliberate. It should be said is natural, lively and bold, temptation and passion, and love of beauty unfettered , can be said that Roma features. Maybe this is character and the pursuit.
explained clearly the most difficult is now popular bohemian style of dress. Gypsies after they are good at collecting features of the area, so when you reach the Roma in Central Europe is already the national style dress kinds of ethnic styles mixed together. more big pleated skirt features should be the local Slavic, East Slavic, then a similar outfit in Russia, a variety of shiny fragments, jewelry probably brought out from India, tassels and pendants may be by way of the Middle East from Persia, North Africa, Morocco man in that department. gypsy style must not be simple to send, they can not pursue a Shanghao texture of clothing, then carefully for them, they can only be acquired little by little and added, thus forming a complex style. They can not always maintain a well-dressed, the young gypsy girls always dress like the bright wandering in the darkened quickly in the old, but they will try to make these old clothes look as much as possible the United States. This is the true state of these people, the people in modern society can not be copied and imitated the United States, is now regarded as a bohemian style of what?
bohemian, I love a style, free, uninhibited, romantic, free ~~~~~ Bohemia, always walking in the popular front ~~~~~~~< br> Bohemian
Bohemian, general translated into Bohemia, intent refers to the uninhibited Gypsies and decadent intellectuals. But even in this year's fashion industry in the fashion world, bohemian represents an unprecedented romantic, folk custom, the free of. strong color, a complex design, will give people a strong visual impact and mysterious atmosphere? simple style of these two years is actually the biggest impact.
enduring six Bohemian style
seventies bohemian clothing dress and behavior in the Mia-style street life of the city who indulge, this year other than the clothing on the 8-hour In today's fashion wear to find the feeling of indulgence.
Bohemia (Bohemia) in the western region of Czechoslovakia, formerly part of Austria-Hungary, is a multi-ethnic tribes, there is a gathering place for the Roma . Now that it has very few people think of real life in the Czech lands the people of Bohemia, indulgent, decadent hh run around all day, it has become the heart of a busy urban people elusive dream.
Although Roma originally from northwest India, and Bohemia in Europe. However, due to travel the world Many Roma are gathered in the last bohemian, so most literary works are vague definition: the Bohemian gypsy is Roma who that is. the way they walk in the street in every corner of the world , from Russia to India to Morocco in North Africa have their footprints and traces, of course, more in Europe. do not believe in God, they freely wander through a variety of people can imagine living skills, but also good at Nepal's classic opera Gypsy girl Esmeralda beautiful. gypsy woman passionate Ganaiganhen charming character in Carmen and a very short red skirt, exposing more than a hole in her white stockings and a pair of small and red Morocco leather shoes, shoes tied with red ribbons. She opened the shawl, so that her two shoulders exposed out of her shirt above is also showing a large bunch of Acacia. their inner emotions in the form of improvisational dance. Although the taboo out of Roma, the Spanish do not like to admit some of the dance form, but gypsy girl who was wearing a black skirt suit and more, Jianpi hand with tassels woven shawls, ring name refers to the appearance of deep feeling has long been deeply rooted dance.
bohemian style of dress, in general, feel close to the Picasso abstract and obscure mottled old medieval religious paintings, as well as Fully fans confused natural marbling, miscellaneous Wu, messy and thrilling. dark gray, dark blue, black, red, orange, rose red, and popular stretch on the network's color. No one put it emboldened people who have been mercilessly buried in layers of colors and illusions.
jewelry, can not fail to mention Bohemian accessories, to be authentic Bohemian Girl, You'd better not let any body part can be wrapped jewelry, wrist, ankle, anterior, waist, and ears, fingers, wearing a string of others, you wear three strings, others linked to small, you hung thick, crazy the past two years the popular Tibetan jewelry is bohemian girls were cited for the treasure, which blackened silver, natural or dyed stones, which cares weight is not heavy, extravagant treat, all who sets a hand to say.
names bohemian bohemian and BOBO family
Where? can be really difficult to answer this question. It seems to be in Czechoslovakia, where one, of course, there are Probably not. You do not condemn me so angry rash and irresponsible --- believe me, people in fashion this season is all mention of bohemian bohemian with the geographical and not big relationship.
Bohemia. Bohemia. Bohemia. The words come and go in my ear every day. the major brands of brR told me that they designed this season's bohemian integration of wind; our fashion editor to create a set of head Maozuliaojin bohemian fashion plate; there are some women and girls, they dress up in high spirits, appeared in some fashion parties and fashion show, Eastern Europe, German, Gypsy, Mexican, baggy, ethnic minorities, the color of dull, a lot of embroidery, layer upon layer, and finally the spirit of man seems a bit excessive drinking and lax --- Bo Ximi Asian style, but not limited to the Bohemian this place, its scope is much bigger than we thought.
TOM FORD for the design of the Turkish Yves Saint Laurent leopard gown is said to be representative of the season bohemian. While It is so luxurious looking, and far beyond, a truly bohemian life of the imagination for the gorgeous, but what is the relationship? We have said at the outset, with bohemian bohemian There is not much relationship.
bohemian such as proper nouns a lot lately. do not know why. who do not know who invented. or interpretation of who is whom. In addition to color, sex, age, nationality, ethnic distinctions in addition, some people need to divide some of the unique title. Basically, it is the so-called maverick animals.
example BOBO. This is a popular phrase last year. cultural scholars and he defined as a hippie Yapi hybrids. like a hippie kind of rebellious spirit, they can have the right decadent, marijuana is allowed, the drug is opposed, as well as decent work, excellent earnings and good taste.
said that a BOBO standards really the first line is this: wear thousands of dollars and dozens of dollars GUCCI LEVIS leather jeans, his hair disorderly, if not take care of over three months, but his body fragrance exudes the appropriate taste, he used to wear a cheap and comfortable shoes, but he was very particular about for his underwear.
Oh. sounds not bad. and even exciting. evil one. sided copolymer. This BOBO, regardless of men and women, must be invincible Total Annihilation.
if not the birth of the network and the nouveaux riches, BOBO will not appear this term is questionable. no more than the people in this industry BOBO, the upstart network which is not that some crazy artists and treacherous mix of business. Look - Bill Gates, a private plane ride home to 5 star hotels, and fashion editor wearing so sick, from discount stores like T-shirts and jeans --- BOBO is so unbridled, free enough, enough deceitful.
ascribed wire that is the envy of the evil designs of others.
bohemian Passing the torch with BOBO seems, at least, they are close relations. They all emphasize the human spirit of artistic temperament, rebellion and freedom, which is the public or the orientation of the designer's love and hate? how many people have or really want art, rebellion and freedom? a result, I saw many people on many occasions, dress up like a human portrait of the down and out of street artists, or specific features like a sneaky person.
Perhaps at this time there will inevitably fall. the global economic downturn has also been a long time, just pale shadow of the 911 down, the Middle East began to battle each other, many of us thought --- has nothing to do with their own thing, in fact, heavy ground pressure in the heart, and then spread up the first opportunity.
is more than the spread. This is simply corrosion.
Of course, there are pleasant corrosion.
BOBO as we enjoy the wind or the wind or the Bohemian gypsy wind, no matter what fashion, we shall be happy to accept. fashion is such a thing: the status quo should remain unchanged .
who can predict the next pop up?
the explosion might be subversive bourgeois. that our minds tedious dogmatic image of the middle class may be going out of date, you may never see them in this way. If bourgeois were crazy to start what would happen? Everyone has their own crazy way. and fashion animals always participants in a variety of collective madness.
at least now you can say:
even the fashion industry, the Bohemian style represents an unprecedented romantic, folk and liberalization. strong color, a complex design, will give people a strong visual impact and mysterious atmosphere? real is this two years, the biggest impact minimalist style.
San Mao said, Taiwan has only three women dressed for Bohemian-style, they are Pan Yueyun, Chyi Yu and --- herself. think about is her ...

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