Monday, February 14, 2011

10 global ban on the film

 Film is the best reflection of culture. Film powers must be a country of culture. Hollywood film is a symbol of American culture. Movies tell the story through visual and auditory, is the most shocking of an art form, can be regarded as the greatest human One of the invention.
in this world, beauty and ugliness go hand in hand. have the good of the Acura, there is depicted on the ugly. because of the same thing can have different versions, so there will be on a film of controversy. such as beds for men and women do, some people can make it into a hymn, some animals can make it into the game. controversial film is often ugly and dark description of human nature, human beings for thousands of years of set up and departure from the moral and ethical challenges arising.
the other hand, all the world's people are individuals with limited life, life can experience things that are limited. In particular, students in the new China, a long under the red flag, only out of school to elite students abroad for the door, through it all the more easier. So the film to be stolen, as the lives of others, a means of legendary adventures. The so-called shocking, that is, those that describe a variety of extreme conditions The following can take place, or the story can not happen, a normal person can not experience and general experience, experience and way of life is abnormal.
with the most controversial and most shocking of these two criteria to select the ten movies is a very thankless thing in itself controversial. cop a Sichuan meal to eat later today, okay, put I think the most controversial, the most horrifying ten movies, and we put Yi Bai, aimed at throwing cannibalism, animal abuse, incest, indecent body and so on. Here are the selected films have a certain reputation, there are too many works of the director's masterpiece. but this is ten movies are mostly a reflection of the ugliness of human nature and the dark, life metamorphosis and brutality, it is not suitable for young people and families enjoy together. If you are devout and moral beliefs Rye fans, please do not watch, so as not to sully your pure heart. If you watched the movie because of you impact on life or into the classroom, please do not complain about bad cop came out. It deserves to blame yourself, because I have made it clear beforehand was.
��Note�� controversial of these films, so that countries are at issue, either were abridged, or banned. But with the theater and the dvd of the growing popularity of the family, about the film here again most of the previous issue and restore the deleted part. you purchase and borrow some attention when version Effective playing time and film. In this particular to each film's original length of playing time, abridged and classification in the countries listed along the information. In general, original uncut version, director `scut, and the criterion collection are not deletions, or deletions for at least the version.
: highly recommended
: worth collecting
: worth
: waste of time
: A heap of broken
10. grave > produced country: usa
This may be banned by most countries of the movie. is the worst criticism, the most notorious film. meir zarchi screenwriter and director, released the film after a long period of time for various discussions remain silent. But it is worth noting that the film actress camille keaton late in his post not long before the film becomes a zarchi wife.
story about a single woman on vacation when they were four men of rape After the bitter experience, with four men in different ways to kill them one by one in different ways, to the heart of that mouth of foul smells. This is a typical sex plus violence mediocre. If you are a feminist, So this film will make you feel proud. but my advice is not a single woman to go out better vacation.
film was selected simply because it is consistent with shocking, (audition) (2000 �� premiere)
film director: takashi miike
Running time: 115 min / usa: 113 min (r-rated version)
produced country: japan / south korea
a widowed middle-aged men to choose their own way through the recording of the loved one, then fell in love with one of the quiet and graceful girl. began a romantic journey, and was actually an unexpected ending.
sounds like a love drama department? tell you, this is a horror film. but by no means Hollywood can take out of the horror film. The film is directed miike new generation representative (miike's latest work is the visitor q, recently released in North America). The 11 chip was the world's most famous film reviews were elected as the best film of 2000 one of 10. This set of mystery, horror, horror film as one of the most seems to be a light comedy, but heavy suspense that the audience is always interested to know what will happen next? in this process, the terrorist elements have been unwittingly dive into your mind. When the last scene of Eastern horror scene one after another metamorphosis, you have been unable to extricate themselves, and only along with horror, stunned!
If you do not like horror films, it is best not to see this movie. if not offensive, then it is very good from the story to a work skills. In particular, the story the structure of the dream and reality mix together, so you need to think of a half day after the movie. Finally mention one, if you have been gentle on the appearance of pure Japanese women have a good impression, then watched the movie and probably will not after think, huh, huh.
8. > produced country: usa
This is a look and make you cry in his heart the kind of movie. You seem to not the real experience of happiness. the pursuit of satisfaction is the highest human aspirations. But when this desire becomes an addiction after you start to lose yourself, become not extricate themselves. your dignity, humanity, and the expectation of life for a little bit is stripped. who, finally becomes no longer has a soul, the dignity of a shell.
This is a not a Hollywood-style American film, is a stirring masterpiece. It's shocking is not primarily visual, but the soul, you will forever remember this movie after reading the story. bad cop is strongly recommended!
7. )
film director: wes craven
Running Time: 91 min / japan: 85 min / usa: 82 min (heavily cut) / usa: 83 min (video version) / usa: 84 min (unrated version) / usa: 85 min (director `s cut) / australia: 82 min (1987australian video release)
produced country: usa
horror film is the famous American film director wes craven (scream, a nightmare on elm street) famous for his debut and also his most controversial film. The story of four hijacked sinful villain middle-class families of two girls, the women imprisoned in their home not far away from a house in the round violence, abuse, torture, and finally brutally killed. Then one of them accidentally killed the girl fled home to avoid capture. the child's parents to find out these people are criminals who killed their daughter, put them drunk, then more way to punish these brutal thugs revenge for his daughter.
greatest feature of this film is the real, cruel reality. so that when you watch constantly remind ourselves: This is just a movie! This is just a movie ! This is just a movie! one of the stunt was later used in many other horror films, or to follow suit. As a film 30 years ago, it was the United States for the horror movie to have a profound impact. repeat: This is a horror films, but only a movie, even though many countries had been banned.
6. Running Time: 122 min
produced country: uk / france / germany / belgium / netherlands
If you read the . This is a very controversial director, worship him, if the world has the words of the Nobel Prize for film director, greenaway must be deserved. against him is that his films are a waste of money, the garbage pile. In short, this is a movie ahead of its time master.
the baby ofmacon the film, is his most shocking shoot a movie. greenaway good story in the form of a stage play to start: When a a baby girl at the whole world all of the order and specifications are all gone, this is what the world would look like?
and most of the movie sex and violence as a selling point to different, greenaway of trafficking are not interested in sex and violence . He is the use of these elements in their own way to the interpretation of apocalyptic scene. Whether you read what it feels like after the movie, this is a very unique film, a cult movie, if you know the cult of meaning.
5. / australia: 107 min (2000 re-release) / norway: 104 min / uk: 109 min / usa: 101 min
produced country: japan / france
This is a Japanese film, but not the original full-length speech is still banned in Japan. The story describes the remote mountain village during World War II Japan, a maid and man of the love between the soul-stirring story. particularly shocking at the end of the film can be said that is reasonable, and in the imagination of outside.
The film is based on a true event adaptation. At that time this event has been a sensation throughout Japan. The movie's depiction of the love mode, far-reaching influence on later Japanese literature. A few years ago caused a sensation novel Watanabe (1979 premiere)
film director: tinto brass, bob guccione
Running time: 150 min / argentina: 143 min / italy: 125 min (1984 version) / italy: 151 min (1979version) / spain : 137 min / spain: 150 min (re-release) / sweden: 150 min (1993 re-release) / uk: 103 min (cut version) / usa: 102 min (r-rated version) / usa: 148 min ( 1990 re-release) / usa: 156 min (unrated version))
produced country: usa / italy
caligola the most dissolute of the Roman Empire, one of the brutal emperor. This epic blockbuster film describes the the tyrant to the throne killed his father died from the killer under the short life of chaos, and committed one of the many vices and debauchery. film by the famous Italian porn director tintobrass directed, cast malcolm mcdowell, peter o `toole, john gielgud, and helenmirren (the famous Shakespearean actor), sponsored by the pornography publisher penthouse.
sex with a strong background of this movie will not necessarily non-repeatable, but must be unprecedented. it completes the peak of sexual liberation in the West period, precisely because the film's release, many countries began to implement a more stringent system of film censorship and classification. pornographic films have really begun to withdraw from the mainstream movies. So far, there is no such a film can be shot atmosphere, while the large-scale open to all kinds of ugly human behavior into one.
This is a history of leaving traces in the movie, unique movie. While controversy has always been full.
3. > bad guy has been a very popular film in France. Chinese people are more familiar with the After the highly controversial French film, French film you will subvert the traditional view. It is said that the film first played in the canne film festival, there are hundreds of viewers can not stand the last ten minutes of violent scenes in which the half-way exit. which fire extinguisher a plot of violence is shocking. movie starts 30 minutes images and music are also part of the dispute.
movie star by the French and vincentcassel starring monica bellucci (two people are the real life husband and wife.) used the story manner to Syria, about two men went to a gay bar looking for a man named tenio the process of revenge, which then tells both men the reasons for revenge, and the two men and a woman's emotional story.
If you are a bad heart, or easy to vomit, please do not look the best movie.
2. br> Running Time: 77 min / colombia: 72 min / germany: 73 min / japan: 74 min
produced country: france
also a French movie. title translation into Chinese is ;. film about two women from different worlds and experiences as shared experience took the midnight train together, a murder, looking for sexual satisfaction does not return. film full of sex and murder, but you definitely do not after reading think this is just a simple piece of pornographic murder.
This is a Hollywood movie would never shoot, and also a subversion of traditional film Jiaxizhenzuo film. The two actress have been previously adult movie actor, so naked in the film Sex in performance can be said to do well. but not exactly, the Ministry of pornographic films, the director to use this particular approach is to show two people who had encountered in life cruel, and the resulting nature of the man as a tool for abnormal psychology. is described in one sentence: A woman is more cruel than men.
is to challenge the film's most controversial film classification system in today's bottom line, will future similar way to film themes impact: when the actors on Sex for real, really need to own real guns personally do real knife?
1. (1975 premiere)
film director: pier paolo pasolini
Running time: 117 min / argentina: 112 min / italy: 114 min / uk: 115 min / usa: 115 min
produced Country: italy
This is probably the most controversial ever, the most shocking movie. adapted from the famous French writer m? Sartre (marquis desade) 1970 novel of the same name. The story is about the end of World War II when Italy a small town north of the four middle-aged man abducted 18 boys and girls, they were held in a villa on their wanton insult, abuse, torture and kill the process. which is also interspersed with four * women kept on The children spoke with dirty stories. realist style movie intolerable for many shots.
by the famous Italian film director, known as the directed (the other It is said that the reasons for killing the murderer, because this movie! If the film is not shot on Pasolini, will be treated as junk. But great directors like Pasolini Why shoot this film, he in the end to tell the audience what? debate on this issue nearly 30 years has not stopped, unfortunately, I can not personally come out Pasolini answered.
It is because of the controversial film, the beginning was banned in many countries. The film was released to allow countries to do a lot of deletions. So far, only the criterion collection has been publicly released the full unabridged. it can be said to be Luoyangzhigui, online unopened original disc has more than 1,000 U.S. dollars Scoop.
Oh I looked at all!

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